Interactive Communication

Monday, May 04, 2009

Communications 2.0 - 10 Important Steps


Mobilising Voters in Ten Steps

1. WHY VOTE - a very short, dynamic text

2. Mobilise through the Pyramid Principle

( Activists: “You find 10, who each finds 10, etc.”

“ Be the first to know “

“ Find local events “

“ Contact undecided voters “

“ Share your story on your blog “ )

Use Google Docs for communicating with the activitists

Create special support groups: Women for…; Students for…;

Youth for…; Teachers for…; Nurses for…; Farmers for…; etc )

3. Modern interactive Website / Home Page

Has to be the epicentre of the campaign and include everything

( such as Messages, Updates; Activation site for Activities; Blog; Social

Networks; You Tube, Flickr; Eventful; Event programme; etc. );

Donations / Fundraising; e-Shop )

4. Use Social Communities very actively

( such as Facebook; MySpace; Twitter; Digg; Ecademy; XING; LinkedIn,

BeBo; hi5; NING; Plaxo; Friendster; etc. )

( select the most appropriate communities – and have a responsible for each )

5. Use efficient on-line distribution channels

( such as YouTube for video messages; Flickr for photos; Eventful

for coming events; etc. )

6. Use E-mail alerts ( “Be the first to know “ )

( to your activists and to everybody who wants it )

( collect e-mail addresses via special Web Forms, Business Card

Scanners, etc. )

7. Use SMS / Text Message alerts ( “ Be the first to know “ )

( to your activists and to everybody who wants it )

( collect mobile phone numbers via special mobile number )

8. Systematic feed-back about voters’ reactions, worries, questions

( via e-mails; Google Docs; sms/text messages, etc. )

( and react immediately to the most important issues to your activists,

on your Home Page, by e-mail and on YouTube with video message )

9. Systematic monitoring of media, blogs, discussion fora, etc.

( by activists, EMM, Imooty, bloggingportal, and other means )

10. Voting on beforehand:

Make a special and energetic campaign to make people use of this possibility

( different rules for each country )

Detailed OPERATIONAL PLANS for each point can be prepared and made available

according to special agreement.

Niels Jørgen Thøgersen

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Getting People Involved

Lots of people complain about it. Very few do anything about it. Getting citizens involved in public life, in politics and even in European affairs. And involved for REAL.

The old fashioned way of throwing information at them, talking to them, telling them what to do: It's dead. It's over. People realise that. But communicators don't.

People are clever and interested in life - and have good intentions. But they have so many possibilities today on how to use their time that they avoid everything which does not interest them or seems irrelevant for them. And where they can't see how THEY can have their say.

The way ahead is to INVOLVE people. Involve them actively. In new initiatives. In changing existing things. In communicating to each other. In connecting to people with the same interests and points of view elsewhere. Also in other countries.

Today we have at our disposal all the necessary INTERACTIVE TOOLS to make that happen. The Web in all its forms is just one of them. Blogs, Vlogs, On-line Communities, Podcasting, Videocasting, SMS and MMS, VOIP telephony, Interactive Television, Digital Story-Telling, On-line Translations. And many many more. All very cheap and very userfriendly.

I am a specialist in the use of these new and stimulating tools. Let me know, if you want to know more.